Pizza, Plants, Prizes, and Pie (and elections) at Gilman Brewing Company
Join us for an end of the year get together featuring pizza, plants, prizes, and pie!
The Bay Area Carnivorous Plant Society’s End of Year meeting will be held on Sunday, December 3 at Gilman Brewery in Berkeley from 12-4:30pm. We’re serving up carnivorous plants, raffle prizes, a dessert potluck, and Gilman Brewery’s fine drinks and pizzas.
This meeting will focus on YOU, the grower, and your plants!
We’re hosting discussion groups by genus, so members and non-members alike can come together and talk and share about their favorite types of carnivorous plants, cultivation tips, and general plant excitement!
Just getting into growing plants? Need the right things to get started? Well, this meeting’s raffle is where to be! It will focus on cultivation supplies.
Just getting into growing plants? Need the right things to get started? Well, this meeting’s raffle is where to be! It will focus on cultivation supplies.
Are you a seasoned grower with a bunch of spare stuff lying around?
If you have any extra grow lights, pots, substrate/media, etc, please consider donating to the raffle! Plants, too, of course!
We really meant dessert potluck but we didn’t wanna break a good alliteration
Our winter potluck is back – we’d love it if you brought your favorite desserts to share.
We really meant dessert potluck but we didn’t wanna break a good alliteration
This year’s potluck will be desserts only, as we hope attendees will support our gracious host, Gilman Brewery, by chowing down on their delicious pizzas 
We are also holding our annual board elections at this meeting. While all current board members are running for re-election, any member is welcome to put their hat in the ring to be considered for the existing board positions. We also have a few more ways for BACPS members in good standing to get involved.
We are also holding our annual board elections at this meeting. While all current board members are running for re-election, any member is welcome to put their hat in the ring to be considered for the existing board positions. We also have a few more ways for BACPS members in good standing to get involved.
There will be four new roles joining the board in 2024:
– Education Outreach Coordinator
– Show & Sale Coordinator
– Social Media Coordinator
– Administrative Assistant
– Education Outreach Coordinator
– Show & Sale Coordinator
– Social Media Coordinator
– Administrative Assistant
For those who are interested in these new roles, or are curious about other positions on the board, please reach out to Elections for new roles and re-elections for existing board members will be held on December 3rd.
As always this event is free and open to the public, and members are encouraged to bring plants to sell, trade, and show.
Hope you can join us!